Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Evan & The Vu

My cousin Evan is flying into Butte tonight, to recruit people at Tech's Career Fair tomorrow. Since I have no siblings of my own, Evan is the prime candidate for a surrogate older brother.

We're going to hit the Vu for a beer tonight, and then I'll get to see him tomorrow between classes (since the Career Fair at Tech doesn't exactly have companies/agencies I'm interested in working for, I have nothing better to do than say hello to my cousin) at the Fair.

Anyway, I'm thoroughly stoked about seeing my cousin. Sadly, we don't look alike enough for people to catch we're related on first glance, so I get a lot of, "Are you Mrs. ____?" when I meet people he knows. Which is really strange, since we're 11 years apart. Maybe I just look old. Or he looks young.

Evan used to play football for Tech (back in the day), and just got inducted into Tech's Athletic Hall of Fame. He used to live in NOLA, but thankfully moved to Houston a few years ago. It's Evan's fault I'm going to Tech. (Not that I'm complaining; I've received a pretty good education here)

The photo below is from Tech's Athletic Banquet in April of this year, with Coach Green on the left, me in the center, and Evan on the right.

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