Wednesday, September 21, 2005

G-O! Let's Go Diggers! G-O Let's Go!

I used to be a cheerleader, back in the day, in a former life. I cheerlead for Montana Tech my freshman and part of my sophomore years of college. Football games (especially when you could muster crowd participation) were the best to cheer for. Basketball, not so much (I blame the bad acoustics of the gym and rowdy fans).
Tonight and tomorrow night there will be mandatory pre-practices before tryouts for people interested in cheerleading. The woman setting all of this up is willing to be a real coach, which I'm excited about. She's willing to fight for us to have Tech pay for uniforms and shoes, and necessities like that. She told me the new uniforms are green, copper and white, with copper bloomers. I'm totally stoked. I'm beyond stoked. I'm transcendentally stoked.
The first game the cheerleaders will be at is Homecoming (October 8, I do believe).
These girls don't know how good they have it. Tech's paying (Or someone is donating) for three different uniform tops and skirts, three different underarmor undershirts (including one that has tri-color braid), cold weather pants, shoes, socks, warm ups, two sets of show poms, personalized bag and megaphone, big poms to make the megaphone look cute, water bottles, those little sweatband bracelets, temp. tattoos for the face, a variety of embroidered bloomers (what you wear under the skirt). . . I don't know what else. I'm feeling spoiled. Tech cheering has never had it so good.
I'm very excited about maybe getting to cheer again. I really miss cheering at football games, and even if I only get to cheer at one last football game, it would be worth the experience.

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