Thursday, January 19, 2006

First Days

Semester started Wednesday, which I was excited about, but now not so much.

Programming Languages is going to be every inch of the bitch I remember from last Spring. My Contemporary History class is more interesting, but the dreaded Josh character from my British Literature class last semester is also in the course, and since there are only five students taking the class, Josh is in a less diluted form.

I'm very excited about my Intro to Microprocessors class, which looks like it will be fun and challenging. My Interpersonal Communications class should be easy, even if I don't agree with my prof. And Racquetball with Coach Green will be fun (whether I want it to be or not).

It looks like I'll have a lot of reading and writing to do this semester, with a little bit of actual "stuff" to do. We'll see how I handle it.

With that, I will leave you with a quote from Coach Green:

"You all have advanced social skills. I know, because I've seen you work on them. At the Vu, The Depot, and the Knights of Columbus. Because you all have advanced social skills, I have a rule for you: No Assholes!"

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