Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Irritating Ex-Boyfriends

I had an ex-boyfriend e-mail me today (actually, last night). This fellow is an officer in the U.S. Air Force (gives you two reasons to not like him already, although I don't try to hold that against him) and has, outside of a few phone calls and visits, forgotten I exist after dumping me on Homecoming weekend 2004. In fact, I haven't heard from him since early Spring last year. You can probably already guess what my opinion of him is.

Turns out he just dumped his girlfriend (which he did not mention in his e-mail and I had to check his MySpace profile to find out - AND it turns out his new ex-girlfriend is a reporter for the NBC affiliate in Great Falls, MT. Funny how the world works.) and wants to know how my life is going. I have yet to e-mail him back, mostly because I get the feeling he's hoping my life is as crappy as his right now, and I really don't want to communicate with him at all, since he's not exactly the most positive life influence I've met.

Now I could be rude and treat him as an internet-nobody and not reply, but I don't think that's exactly the right thing to do. I could gush about how totally great life is and how my boyfriend is simply amazing (which is true), but I don't think that's very kind considering he's probably looking for some empathy. I haven't quite dreamed up the appropriate response, but I think I'll wait a few days before sending him something tactful. (If you already have a tactful response prepared, please share!)

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