Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Whenever we go through something life-changing, it changes us. We grow, we adapt, we realize things about ourselves that we never knew.

I realize that it's OK to be single, and not want a boyfriend. It's also OK to hope for something that might be something someday, just not today or tomorrow. Or next week or next year for that matter. Patience to heal and respect to wait for new attachments to form is OK.

It's OK to not want to go out on dates, even though you may have many offers.

It's OK to go home on a Friday night after work and sleep until Saturday afternoon.

It's OK to be comfortable with being oneself, and it's OK to do something, than say "I never thought I would do/feel that!"

It's OK to make mistakes, as long as they're ones you can learn from and remind yourself not to make them again.

It's OK to hope, to breathe again. It's also OK to miss what might have been, or what one thought one had, but not to miss what you can't have anymore.

It's OK to know you're not ready for something you want, and be OK with that.

Maybe I'm not as broken as I thought I was. The strong, wild, ambitious qualities compensate for the vulnerable and the tender. Now I'm someone different, and yet the same.

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