Thursday, November 01, 2007

Movie Review - The Reaping

I went to a friend's house and watched The Reaping last night.

I'm so glad I didn't spend the money to see this in theaters. I'm typically not one for horror films, and even then I'm more apt to see something like Shaun of the Dead than a "typical" horror film. I guess I find most horror films to be full of cheap plot and visual tricks and not at all scary.

This is a good, "turn-my-mind-off-please" film. Probably a good make out film because you don't need to really watch all that much. It's probably better if you don't pay a lot of attention to the film.

The best opportunity to have something horrific/gory happen on screen was cut-away from. While I'm generally not a fan of gore, the whole point of the horror genre is to horrify and gross out the audience. In that sense, From Hell is a more successful horror film than "The Reaping", although the first Saw should be crowned king of gore.

In terms of creepiness/shock factor, I still think the thriller What Lies Beneath is one of the scariest films I've ever seen.

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