Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't You Totally Dig Winter?

My friend Dan had this snazzy interview with Micron (in Boise!) yesterday, and Micron flew him back last night. The weather in Butte was seriously crappy for landing planes, so Delta dropped him off in Bozeman. Let me tell you, there are more fun things to do than watching Dan's brother Ben expertly negotiate Homestake Pass when you have maybe 5 feet of visibility.

I found out that the uber-creep (Dan calls him the "creepy little pervert") harasses another girl in my Literature classes as well. Unfortunately for her, she gets to deal with him in her history class every other day. (What I don't understand is why his girlfriend tolerates him hitting on other women, and then gets mad at the other women) Yuck.

I predict I&C will be most mind-numbing today, and that Writing will be short, which means I get to go home early! I hope it's warmed up by this afternoon, however. Chief Meteorologist Mike Heard said it was going to be in the teens today.

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