Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm A Lot Frustrated At The Moment

Because of the issue with my bank cards, my dad offered to order my plane tickets for this semester break for me while I get everything straightened out.

I told him I couldn't leave until the 22nd or 23rd of December, and told him (bad idea) when classes started up again (18th of January). The conversation went like this:

Dad: "So you can fly back the 17th?" (Dad is all excited)
Me: "Well, I wanted to be back in Butte a few days before classes started." (This is my fault, since I should have said, "I want to be back in Butte a couple days after New Year's")
Dad: "So the 15th?"
Me: "How about the 14th, so I can make Mass the next day." (I don't care for the Catholic church in Cedar City. I should have said the 4th or something.)

What am I going to do for two extra weeks in Cedar City?!? After about the third day or so I get so bored, depressed, and frustrated with the people there that I'm not a lot of fun to be around. Dad knows this, and he's retired, so he can come up and visit me any time he wants. I just don't understand why he insists on keeping me around when he knows (and I definitely know) I'm going to be unhappy. I don't mind visiting my parents; I mind where I visit my parents. At least they're moving to Twin Falls soon. (As in, within the next year)

1 comment:

Katy said...

OK, A) You're going to be hanging out with me DUH! and B) They're moving? What the hell? When am I going to get to visit you if you're never here? Suuuuure make me go to Butte, I see how you are!