Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Extreme Calm Before The Storm

Well I got off easy today. My I&C class was cancelled, so I didn't have to worry about struggling through the lecture on "zombie mode". There's something sleep-inducing about sitting in a chair and absorbing information for more that 30 minutes or so. I only wish I knew about class being cancelled last night (this morning?), so I didn't have to set my alarm until 1100 or so.

I decided to do something productive, and thought the rewrite up for my Writing 2 paper would be appropriate. Except I think I left the paper at home. I guess I'll just do the rewrite over the long weekend, while I dream up a topic for my research paper in that class.

Not that coming up with something to research and babble about is difficult, but the requirements for the topic are: "something we're interested in and know something about". I'm interested in lots of things, and have a vast bank of knowledge stored away somewhere. It's kind of like this whole "what I'm going to do when I grow up" thing. I'm interested in too many things and I know too much about the things I'm not interested in.

Really, my workload for the next week will be minimal. Which spooks me a little, because I know that week before finals week is going to be so stressful. Do professors do this on purpose? Do they band together and say, "Let's give them a week off before we really make their lives miserable"?

1 comment:

Katy said...

Yes, proffessors do say lets give them a week off before everything goes to hell. Bastards