Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Seriously Stupid Music

Since I go out dancing, I've somehow accumulated a modest collection of popular R&B/Hip-Hop/Rap/Pop/Dance tunes that seem to be played quite often in Butte at dances.
The lyrics to some of these songs are seriously stupid. I have a song about a woman revelling in the unique hotness that are her boobs and ass, a song about a woman who is hotter/freakier/whatever than your girlfriend, a song about oral sex, multiple various songs about sex in its various forms, a song telling girls to shake their asses, and a song about a women contemplating taking a fellow home for the night, among others. We're not a primal race at all! (And I'm not sarcastic at all, either)
I mentioned to Katy online that I have some seriously stupid music, and wondering if there was non-stupid music out there one could dance to. Turns out she was listening to country music and wondering the exact same thing.

Now, where is that Gregorian chant CD?

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