Monday, November 28, 2005

Revenge of the Singing Nerds!

I was invited to cantor (sing, Gregorian chant style, solo) at Mass on Christmas Day at St. Patrick's. While most honored, I had to turn it down (which makes me want to crawl in a hole and cry), because I won't be in Butte for Christmas. But, I get to cantor at both Masses at Butte Catholic Community North (BCCN) this Sunday, which I'm excited about.

I've always enjoyed singing, but never got the idea I had a particularly lovely singing voice until recently, when the Sean Nos instructor from An Ri Ra and several people (including the music director for BCCN and my sweetheart) came up and told me so. Even my postman said he thought I'd have the "voice of an angel". I took choir for a couple years in high school, but I don't think the choir director cared for my voice and I remember feeling frustrated about it.

So, I think I will give God His due when I say it's probably His fault people suddenly like my voice. What totally rocks is I love Christmas and all the Christmas *stuff* that goes along with Christmas. It's my favorite holiday (although I've read the truly hardcore Christians prefer Easter to Christmas; thank John Irving), and Father's music selections at Mass during Advent and Christmas totally rock the casbah.

1 comment:

Katy said...

The choir teacher sucked ass anyway.