Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Wednesday Afternoon Ritual

Every Wednesday, I spend the afternoon making some sort of goodie for RCIA. Since there is no RCIA tonight, and I feel obliged to alleviate the hunger pangs of people working at the news station, I'm making goodies anyway. Tonight it's pumpkin muffins (since perfecting the recipe, apparently I can't escape from making more muffins) and cheese muffins. Actually, I don't remember when I've made anything besides muffins. I should expand my baking repertoire.
Christmas gifts arrived in the mail today (no, not for me!!!), and I'm very excited about actually doling them out. That's sad when you're buying Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving. I guess I could give the ol' college excuse: Finals are in a few weeks and I won't see my friends until after New Year's.
I just realized that I'll be in Utah on the 22nd of December; less than a month from now. How depressing.

1 comment:

Katy said...

uhm excuse me, you're going to be in less than a month...HANGING OUT WITH ME!!! Depressing...jerk face.