Monday, November 28, 2005

Random Aging

My bedroom shares a wall with a neighboring apartment. And let's say the walls aren't exactly sound proof. From the sound of it, my neighbors could probably make it in the amateur porn business. (Especially at six in the morning! Who is awake enough at six in the morning to be getting freaky?)

I think my wild days are over. Especially when my idea of fun is cracking open the Liturgy of the Hours for some morning or evening prayer. (I don't think I've crossed into the scary realm of Super-Catholic yet, but I know I'm getting there)

Also, my physician told me today that I need to keep my weight down (And, at a trim 143 lbs., I'm feeling heavyish). I firmly resolve to get some exercise once the semester ends (Thank God that I'm taking raquetball with Coach Green in the spring. I love that man.). I want to start running again. As masochistic as it sounds, I miss it lots. What's more depressing than being told during the holidays you need to not be lazy?

Finally, I've noticed that tracking down professors in departments other than your own is less than fun. It's downright frustrating. (I just need a signature so I can escape in May!!!!)

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